Chord Chart

Did skies divide, did sun shine bright
As hope came down
From the river You prepared the way
I was not a witness there on Jordan shores
Still You know me, just the same
Still You know me, just the same
Still You love me

No it was not my alabaster jar that broke
Or my tears that washed Your feet that day
And my perfume was not spilled at Bethany
Still You know me, just the same
Still You know me, just the same
Still You love me

Glory, I sing glory
You found me, You found me
Glory, hear You calling
My name
Glory, I sing glory
My Saviour, my Saviour
Glory, hear You whisper
I’m here

And though I never heard the words You whispered there
When forsaken on that tree you stayed With Your scarlet stains my guilt
Went on display
Still You know me, just the same
Still You know me, just the same
Still You love me

Did skies divide, did sun shine bright
As hope rose up
As my Saviour made a way for me
All the heavens singing Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Words and Music by Leora Caylor
©2010 Leora Caylor
CCLI# 6047959